About This Blogsite

I have had to do a lot of research into the Victorian Age to write Dr. Wendell Howe's Twitter site and to write my novels. A lot of people following me are also interested in Victorian research for a book they are writing, but also for steampunk costuming, etc. So when I run across a great site I will post it here. If you find something, feel free to let me know in the comments, or contact me on Twitter at @Scablander or email me at Jeanette@scablander.com.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Passing English of the Victorian era

I found a little gem: Passing English of the Victorian era: a dictionary of heterodox English, slang and phrase published in London in 1909 by James Redding Ware. Mr. Ware collected the slang of everyone from hoodlums to the upper crust while it was still fresh in everyone's memory. You can download it free and legally at the Internet Archive (a source I had mentioned in an earlier post.) Now your Steampunk stories can get steamier as you use Victorian slang with confidence.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Salon

[Editor's note: This website and all of the links no longer work. They appear to have gone to that Great Internet In the Sky. If you know where I can reconnect, please let me know.]
I ran across a little treasure trove of Victorian culture. Sohie Lagace is an engineer by day and a role player by night. One her favorite games is Castle Falkenstein with its Steampunk setting. She has a webpage called "The Salon" that has links to all sorts of Victorian fashion, etiquette, culture, language and technology. Here are just a few of the links:

Victorian Slang Glossary Speech of the Lower Classes

How to Speak Proper Slang for the Upper Classes

The Library Victorian Science, technology, military history, etc.

The Salon is a labyrinth well worth exploring. (Don't worry, you won't get lost.)
  Link to the Salon webpage
[6-28-2014 update: The Salon seems to have vanished. The first three sites I mention are still there.]