About This Blogsite

I have had to do a lot of research into the Victorian Age to write Dr. Wendell Howe's Twitter site and to write my novels. A lot of people following me are also interested in Victorian research for a book they are writing, but also for steampunk costuming, etc. So when I run across a great site I will post it here. If you find something, feel free to let me know in the comments, or contact me on Twitter at @Scablander or email me at Jeanette@scablander.com.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

The Victorian Peeper

@Tetens (Kristan Tetens) began following me on Twitter. I looked at her bio which reads: "Historian, writer (nonfiction), presenter. This is the Twitter companion to The Victorian Peeper (my blog), and Victorian London (my Facebook page)." Intrigued I clicked on her website.

Oh my word! (as Wendell would say)

Kristan not only has over 100 blogs on Victorian History, check out the sidebar links. It includes: Victorians in the News, New Books (on Victorians), Exhibitions and Events, Charles Darwin, Victorian Festivals, Victorian Traces: 132 Places to Visit, Historic Preservation, history links, resources, search tools, Other Victorian Blogs, Victorian Studies-UK, Victorian Studies-US, Associations, Multi-Media, Pop-Culture, Other Sites of Interest, etc.

Well, don't just sit there! Click on this link and check out Kristan's blog-site. The Victorian Peeper